Born in 1861, G.T. “Tommy” Robertson first became associated with the Stawell Athletic Club in 1890 and was elected a member of the Committee in 1893.
He was President four times. In 1895/96 he led the Club through turbulent and financially stressful times. The Club survived several dark years due to the steadfast loyalty and enterprise of Mr Robertson and the Committee.
1898 was a turning point in the Club’s history when, at a meeting on 16th March, Mr Robertson moved that the Easter sports be held in the Central Park instead of the Botanical Reserve. Many predicted it was not a wise move, but the meeting was an unqualified success, clearing all the Club’s liabilities and making a profit.
At a meeting following the 1898 sports, a motion was tabled that Mr Robertson be made a Life Member of the Club in honour of the great services he had rendered in achieving success, but he declined it, as he considered that no member should be singled out for special recognition. It wasn’t until 1924 that he eventually became a Life Member of the Club.
He held the Presidency again in 1910 and was elected to the presidential chair for the Jubilee celebrations in 1927 and the Golden Jubilee ten years later, on account of his long and loyal association with the Club, which continued until 1936.