“Hank” joined the Stawell Athletic Club Auxiliary in 1946 as assistant to Harry Henderson and became Secretary in 1947 when Mr. Henderson was found dead at his desk. “Hank” remained in the job until his retirement in 1984, a period of 38 years.
“Hank” became Secretary of the Wimmera Football League in 1951 and held the position for 26 years. He spent a period of time as Secretary to the Victorian Country Football League, and served as its President in 1970-71. He served as Secretary/Treasurer/Judge of the Stawell Trotting Club and filled in as Secretary of the Stawell Amateur Turf Club. He was Secretary of the Stawell Progress Association and the Town Hall Pictures, as well as being involved in many other community causes.
He was made a Life Member of the Stawell Athletic Club, Life Member of the Victorian Country Football League, and Life Member of the Wimmera Football League. He received the Award of Merit for the Australian National Football Council, and was awarded the British Empire Medal in 1978.