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30 years since Jason “Richo” Richardson wins the Stawell Gift

“The early ‘whisper’ for the 1993 Stawell Gift was a tall, strong runner from South Caulfield by the name of Jason Richardson. Despite rumours circulating that Richardson was suffering from stress fractures, news had spread of the 23-year-old having recorded some remarkable times in training trials,” begins the entry to

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Q&A with Andrea Benton, 1993 Women’s Gift winner

What does it mean to be a Stawell Gift Winner? The inaugural women’s Stawell Gift 100m race was established in 1989, in accordance with the metric system and was on a different track to the men’s 120m event. In winning the 5th year of the event, I was one of

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Murray’s 50 year gift to the Stawell Athletic Club

He served two terms as President, received Life Membership in 1993, and received the Centenary of Federation Medal for services to the Stawell Athletic Club. Murray MacPherson celebrates his 50th year in June with the club which has formed such a big part of his life. “The friends that I

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Invictus Australia will be the official charity of the 2023 Powercor Stawell Gift carnival for the second consecutive year. Invictus Australia strengthens the wellbeing of former and current serving Australian Defence Force personnel and their families, through the power of sport, at a grassroots and international level. The not-for-profit organisation

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Jack believes Nick Fiedler can make it three in a row

Saturday’s Shepparton Gift winner Jack Lacey thinks coach of the last two Powercor Stawell Gift winners, Nick Fiedler, can pull off the hat-trick. “I do believe that Nick can get the Stawell win this year and make it three in a row, but it’s been a competitive season and a

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